Quebec City Business Destination

Imagine, you’re sitting in a plenary room, listening to an expert researcher presenting his latest findings. The session is over and you rush to the riverbank to watch athletes paddle through the ice, jumping in and out of their canoe to reach the finish line. As a backdrop, a majestic building proudly sits atop a cape, while the crowd below cheers enthusiastically.
A few hours later, you’re enjoying an evening in an historical venue, surrounded by your fellow event participants. You’re eating a delightful meal, full of sumptuous flavours, a truly inspired affair. Your jaw drops when you see the violinist perform skyjacked and upside down right above your head.
There only one city capable of hosting such a memorable event. Unique in its history, but also in its joie de vivre, Québec City is a Canadian destination like no other. Meet Chef Meesen, the Painchaud family, Professor Normand Voyer and the Québec City Business Destination ice-canoe team to learn more about the place they call home.