Whether you have one direct report or 100, leading people is both an art and a science. Putting in place clearly defined roles and metrics are critical to an association’s success. Making sure you have the human resources in place to execute on your organization’s objectives, training your staff, managing individuals and teams, are all critical components of leadership. As a leader, you also want to ensure that you are constantly improving your own performance. The Lead people competency area covers everything from evaluating what you need, hiring, onboarding, creating a strong team and leading through change.
The Lead People competency area helps you:
Evaluate human resource requirements
- Identify human resources required to achieve organization goals in collaboration with management team
Recruit Staff and Volunteers
- Develop position profile for staff and key volunteer positions
- Establish search committee
- Recruit candidates
- Develop interview process
- Hire selected candidate
Onboard staff and volunteers
- Develop onboarding processes for staff and volunteers
Establish staff and volunteer codes of conduct
- Develop policies and procedures aligned with applicable workplace health and safety legislation
- Identify organization specific standards of behaviour
- Establish process for employee compliance with codes of conduct
Manage individual performance
- Establish a process for reviewing individual performance within organization
- Establish individual job performance expectations aligned with annual operational plan
- Support individual performance
Manage Teams
- Establish behaviour expectations
- Identify team goals
- Track progress
Manage change
- Define change agenda
- Plan change
- Implement change
- Sustain change
Conduct ongoing personal leadership development
- Determine personal leadership capacity
- Invite feedback
The resources you’ll find in this area are targeted at senior staff and all who manage individuals, teams, and volunteers.