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    Congratulations to all awards recipients!

    Current Leadership Awards

    Association Excellence in Leadership Award

    The Association Excellence in Leadership Award recognizes a member who has volunteered for CSAE in a prolonged, effective, and significant manner.

    2024 – Christine Nielsen, CAE
    2023 – Barbette Igonia, CAE

    Community Leader Award

    The Community Leader Award recognizes a member who has been an inspiring leader, influential mentor, and/or has advocated on behalf of the association sector.

    2024 – Danielle Russell, CAE
    2023 – Alan Tennant, CAE

    Empowering Leader Award

    The Empowering Leader Award recognizes a member who is focused on advancing association excellence through knowledge sharing in the membership community.

    2024 – Danielle Russell, CAE
    2023 – Gemma Beierback, CAE

    Social Innovation Leader Award

    The Social Innovation Leader Award recognizes a member who is focused on developing innovative and creative strategies and initiatives to leverage CSAE’s community and the association sector.

    2024 – Beth McMahon
    2023 – Aviva Rotenberg

    Young Leader Award

    The Young Leader Award recognizes a member who is 35 years of age or under has demonstrated remarkable promise as a rising leader in the association sector.

    2024 – Deneen Belliveau
    2023 – Sarah McCabe, CAE

    Current Organization/Team Awards

    Association Centre of Excellence Awards

    Association Centre of Excellence Awards recognize outstanding team achievements and organizations’ initiatives to advance association excellence in alignment with the five competencies of the Certified Association Executive (CAE ®) program.

    2023 Recipients

    Award of Excellence

    • Canadian Finance & Leasing Association in recognition of the success of The CFLA’s 2022 Conference Sponsorship Kit.
    • Intellectual Property Institute of Canada in recognition of the success of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.
    • MERIT Nova Scotia in recognition of the success of Workplace Wellness Program.
    • Ontario Association of Social Workers in recognition of the success of Equity Integration in Action: Journey to Disaggregated Race and Self-Identity Data Collection within the Association.
    • Ontario Society of Professional Engineers in recognition of the success of Benchmarking Engineering: Measuring a Profession in Transition, and Leveraging Insights for Future Growth and Value Delivery.
    • Redstone Agency Inc. in recognition of the success of Canadian Fertility Awareness Week Marketing Campaign for Fertility Matters Canada.
    • The Club Management Association of Canada in recognition of the success of Transitioning from an Exclusive Society to an Inclusive Association.

    Archived Leadership Awards

    Honorary Award of Excellence

    The Honorary Award of Excellence recognized a member’s sustained commitment and outstanding volunteer contributions to CSAE and thus to the association sector at large.

    2022 – Lia Daborn, CAE
    2021 – John Leech, CAE
    2019 – Catherine Cummings, CAE
    2017 – Maura McLaren, CAE
    2016 – Edward Barisa, CAE
    2015 – Robert (Bob) Ramsay, CAE
    2013 – Signe Holstein, CAE
    2012 – Claude Paul Boivin
    Laura W. Barr
    Derek McCorquindale, CAE
    Don C. Chutter, CAE
    Mary Dallimore, CAE
    Robert H. Davies, CAE
    Bill Easton, CAE
    Lawrence G. Ecroyd, CAE
    Robert F. Johnson
    Brian Linklater, CAE
    Alasdair J. McKichan
    T.H. Glynn Michael, CAE
    Jim Pealow
    Jack F. Shand, CAE
    C. Howard Shillington, CAE
    Dennis Souder, CAE
    Bernard P. Turcot, CAE
    Michel Tremblay, CAE
    Denise Turenne
    John C. Turnbull
    Paulette Vinette, CAE
    George B. Weber, CAE
    Frank A. Young, CAE

    Griner Award

    The Griner Award recognized the exceptional and outstanding contributions that CSAE business members make to CSAE and to the association management profession at large.

    2022 – Thomas Kriens, Kriens-LaRose LLP Chartered Accountants
    2021 – Marion Tripp
    2018 – Randall Craig
    2014 – Hester Whatman
    2012 – Robert Thompson, MediaEdge Publishing Inc.
    2011 – Norman Jessop, Centre des congrès de Québec
    2010 – Huw Williams, Impact Public Affairs
    2009 – Theresa Beenken, National Speakers Bureau
    2006 – William Pashby, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
    2005 – Susan Saganski, Delta Hotels
    2004 – Pierre Normandin, Gatineau Outaouais Tourism Hotels
    2001 – Andrew Stamper, Conventional Solutions
    2000 – Ralph Strachan, Stronco Group of Companies
    1999 – Yvan Jérome, caé
    1998 – Sal Farrauto, HECFI
    1997 – Jacques Drury, Canadian Airline International
    1996 – John Meissner, Canadian Pacific Hotels
    1995 – ITT Sheraton Canada
    1994 – Delta Hotels & Resorts
    1993 – Maurice Bleau, ITT Sheraton Canada
    1992 – Martin J. Copeland, Audio Archives International, Inc.
    1991 – Reginald Watts, Stratquest Group Ltd.
    1990 – Réjean (Ray) Proulx, Air Canada & April Taylor, Taylor & Associates
    1989 – W.F. Morneau, W.F. Morneau & Associates
    1988 – Westin Hotels & Resorts
    1986 – Hilton International

    Pinnacle Award

    The Pinnacle Award recognized exceptional and outstanding leadership in the association sector. This award honoured CSAE Executive members who had contributed to their own associations and to the not-for-profit sector at large.

    2022 – Lori Prospero, CAE
    2021 – Guy Legault, CAE
    2019 – Lia Daborn, CAE
    2017 – Patrick Culhane, CAE
    2016 – Jack W. Davidson, CAE
    2015 – Colleen MacDougall, CAE
    2014 – Michel G. Tremblay, CAE
    2010 – H. James Duncan
    2009 – Signe Holstein, CAE
    2007 – Edward Barisa, CAE
    2006 – John Hoyles
    2005 – John Gustavson
    2003 – Patrick D. Darrah
    2002 – Diane J. Brisebois, CAE
    2001 – Denise Turenne
    1999 – Dave Mikkelsen, CAE
    1997 – William (Bill) C. Easton, CAE
    1996 – Dean H. Wilson, CAE
    1995 – E. R. (Ron) Evason
    1994 – Donna Mary Shaw
    1993 – John C. Gillies, CAE
    1992 – Kenneth R. Graydon
    1991 – H. Clifford Chadderton, CAE
    1990 – Ghislain M. Dufour
    1989 – Thomas M. Ross
    1988 – Alasdair John McKichan
    1986 – John A. Long, CAE
    1985 – J.F. (Jack) McCracken

    Donna Mary Shaw Award for Emerging Leaders

    The Donna Mary Shaw Award for Emerging Leaders recognized emerging not-for-profit professionals. This award helped to develop tomorrow’s association leaders by providing resources, education, and mentorship. In 2023, this award transitioned to the Aspiring Leader Bursary.

    2022 – Laura Lambie, CAE, Amy Mosquera, Lindsay Murray, Lauren Nicholson
    2021 – Akosua Alagaratnam, Heidi Loney
    2019 – Svitlana Nechyporenko, Jamie Ricci
    2018 – Nzinga Brown, Emily Banzet
    2017 – Sarah McIntosh, Urvashi Ramsoondar
    2016 – Courtney Thack, Julia Chehaiber
    2014 – Maddy Marchildon, Natalie Wallace
    2013 – Jessica Bedford
    2012 – Nicole Maurice, Maria Galati
    2011 – Cayla Ireland
    2010 – Kenny Chan
    2009 – Silvia Eliçagaray, Sarah Vaughan, Karin Hedetniemi, Paul Jones Mubanga
    2008 – Jasmin Lidington
    2007 – Christiane Dowsing
    2005 – Kelly Allbright, Sheila Lennon
    2004 – Sandy Leske, Hélène Samson
    2003 – Jeffrey Hanlan; Dawn Kelly; Carol S. Law; Wendy Skinner

    Archived Network Awards

    Ottawa-Gatineau Service Excellence Award

    The Ottawa-Gatineau Service Excellence Award recognized and honoured an Executive or Business Member who had demonstrated significant accomplishments, exemplary leadership and tireless commitments to Ottawa-Gatineau and/or the association community.

    2022 – Angela Jefferies
    2021 – Riccarda Galioto

    Ottawa-Gatineau Emerging Talent Award

    The Ottawa-Gatineau Emerging Talent Award recognized a member, who, within the first five years of the members’ careers in the association sector or within the first five years of CSAE membership, had demonstrated remarkable promise as future leaders in the association sector.

    2021 – Barry Rooke, CAE

    Ottawa-Gatineau Chair’s Award

    The Ottawa-Gatineau Chair’s Award was awarded by the Ottawa-Gatineau Council Chair to a deserving CSAE Executive or Business Member who had made consistent, significant contribution to the network over the course of the Ottawa-Gatineau Council Chair’s term.

    2022 – Angela Jefferies
    2021 – Paul Lansbergen, CAE
    2019 – Heather Cleat
    2018 – François Brunet

    Trillium Service Excellence Award – Executive Member

    The Trillium Service Excellence Award – Executive Member recognized a colleague or volunteer who, throughout their career, had demonstrated significant contribution and commitment to CSAE and the profession of Association Management or had made significant contributions in support of Association Management. Recipients of this award are those who have provided leadership, great ideas and inspiration.

    2022 – Rebecca Harris, CAE
    2021 – Constance Wrigley-Thomas, CAE
    2019 – Rozalyn Werner-Arce
    2018 – Marion Tripp
    2017 – Christine Charnock, CAE
    2016 – Joan Lee, CAE
    2015 – Serge Micheli, CAE
    2013 – Dinaz Garda, CAE
    2012 – Tim Stover, CAE
    2011 – Saskia Martini‐Wong, CAE
    2009 – Carol Ann Burrell, CAE
    2008 – Ed Barisa, CAE
    2007 – Gilles Latour
    2004 – Elizabeth di Chiara, CAE
    2001 – Robert Ramsay, CAE
    2000 – Maura McLaren, CAE
    1987 – Dennis Souder, CAE
    Meline Batten, CAE
    Diane Brisebois, CAE
    H. James Duncan, CAE
    Sandi Humphrey, CAE
    Arthur Timms, CAE

    Trillium Service Excellence Award – Business Member

    The Trillium Service Excellence Award – Business Member recognized a colleague or volunteer who, throughout their career, had demonstrated significant contribution and commitment to CSAE and the profession of Association Management or has made significant contributions in support of Association Management. Recipients of this award are those who have provided leadership, great ideas and inspiration.

    2022 – Sherry Lucia
    2021 – Erin Roberts
    2019 – Don Leddy, CAE
    2018 – Lisa‐Marie Upton
    2017 – Kathy Tavares
    2016 – Sandra Moniz
    2015 – Sandra Polson
    2014 – Robert Thompson
    2013 – David Stempowski
    2012 – Kevin Jackson
    2011 – Rebecca Alexander
    2010 – Mario Crespi
    2009 – Karen Dowhan
    2004 – Susan Saganski
    1992 – Martin Copeland
    James Church
    Denis Hamel
    Margaret Morneau

    Trillium Emerging Talent Award – Executive Member

    The Trillium Emerging Talent Award – Executive Member recognized one Executive Member, who, within the first five years of the members’ careers in the association sector or within the first five years of CSAE membership, had demonstrated remarkable promise as future leaders in the association sector.

    2022 – Amanda Baldini
    2021 – Laura Korneluk, CAE
    2018 – Sarah Lampson, CAE
    2016 – Natalie Wallace, CAE
    2015 – Michael Dargavel
    2013 – Jacintha Ward
    2012 – Rebecca Harris, CAE
    2011 – Danielle Russell, CAE

    Trillium Emerging Talent Award – Business Member

    The Trillium Emerging Talent Award – Business Member recognized one Business Member, who, within the first five years of the members’ careers in the association sector or within the first five years of CSAE membership, had demonstrated remarkable promise as future leaders in the association sector.

    2021 – Kenneth Hewitt
    2018 – Troy Allan
    2017 – Ammar Balika
    2016 – Marc Cousineau
    2015 – Cheryl Gateman
    2013 – Mira Todorovic
    2012 – Kayley O’Brien
    2011 – Lisa Natale

    Trillium Chair’s Award

    The Trillium Chair’s Award was awarded by the Trillium Council Chair to a deserving CSAE Executive or Business Member who had made consistent, significant contribution to the network over the course of the Trillium Council Chair’s term.

    2022 – Cindy Gonsalves
    2021 – Randi Glass, CAE
    2020 – Sandra Moniz
    2019 – Cheryl Gateman
    2018 – Victoria Prince
    2017 – Steve Carroll, CAE
    2016 – Rozalyn Werner-Arcé, CAE
    2015 – Joan Lee
    2014 – Susan Saganski
    2013 – Gilles Latour
    2012 – Dinaz Garda, CAE
    2011 – Penny Marrett, CAE and Serge Micheli, CAE
    2010 – Feiona Gobin, CAE
    2009 – Constance Wrigley-Thomas, CAE
    2008 – Paulette Vinette, CAE
    2007 – Christine James, CAE

    Trillium Circle of Distinction Award

    The Trillium Circle of Distinction Award recognized an outstanding volunteer who had provided exceptional leadership and exemplary service to Trillium over a sustained period of time. The award recipient was chosen by the Trillium Council.

    2022 – Catherine Cummings, CAE
    2021 – Oksana Buhel, CAE
    2019 – Steve Carroll, CAE
    2018 – Karen Dowhan
    2017 – Paulette Vinette, CAE
    2016 – Robert Ramsay, CAE
    2015 – Edward Barisa, CAE
    2014 – Maura McLaren, CAE

    Archived Organization/Team Awards

    Awards of Distinction

    The Awards of Distinction were based upon the core competencies of the CAE® program and honoured outstanding achievement in association leadership, structure and governance; and/or the planning and execution of internal, external and integrated programs that served their members and/or engage external partners and volunteers.

    2022 Recipients

    Award of Excellence

    • Coalition of Hardest Hit Businesses (Co-Chaired by the Hotel Association of Canada and the Tourism Industry Association of Canada): Hardest Hit and on the Edge of Survival
    • Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC): IPIC’s ‘Your profession. Our purpose.’ membership campaign
    • Ontario Society of Professional Engineers: Membership Growth Through Elevated Brand Reputation
    • REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington: Bylaw Review Roadmap: A Path to Optimized Governance & Reimagined Membership Engagement
    • Registered Veterinary Technologists & Technicians of Canada (RVTTC): RVTTC RVT Career NavigatorTM
    • Tire and Rubber Association of Canada: Improving Media Campaign Strategy

    Award of Merit

    • Forum of Canadian Ombudsman: Case Study on Value Proposition
    • Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI): Advancing Government Climate Change Objectives Through HVACR Innovation and Leadership
    • Ontario Public Buyers Association: A Case Study Towards Membership Profitability
    • REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington: Case Study: Reimagining RAHB’s 100th Anniversary for a Virtual World

    2021 Recipients

    Award of Excellence

    • The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA): Discover APEGA Microsite
    • Canadian Rheumatology Association: COVID-19 Response Series
    • Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium: CUTRIC’s Pan-Canadian Battery Electric Bus Demonstration & Integration Trial
    • CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation: CREB®’s Community Investment Rubric
    • Hotel Association of Canada: In It Together – Surviving the COVID-19 Crisis
    • National Golf Course Owners Association of Canada: COVID-19 Response Plan
    • NSAR: Certified International Property Specialist Education Program
    • Ontario Bar Association: OBA COVID-19 Response: Virtual Justice
    • RisingOaks Early Learning Ontario: From Owl Child Care to RisingOaks Early Learning Ontario: A brand transition case study
    • Supply Chain Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Northern Territories Institutes: Collaboration: The Missing Piece to Bridging the Gap

    Award of Merit

    • Canadian Corporate Counsel Association: Delivering Valuable Virtual Sponsor Benefits
    • International Alliance of ALS MND Associations: Policy Manual Development
    • Ontario Bar Association: OBA COVID-19 Response: Wellness Support
    • Tire and Rubber Association of Canada: The Tire and Rubber Association Kicks Off 2021 With a New Website

    2019 Recipients

    Award of Excellence

    • Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Canada (ACEC-Canada): #20DaysOfExcellence in Engineering campaign.
    • Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science: We Are Lab Documentary Series
    • Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists: The CSRT Infrastructure Renewal Initiative.
    • Canadian Housing and Renewal Association: Housing Professional Mentorship Program.
    • Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association: DVBIA’s Mandate Renewal Engagement Strategy.
    • Fisheries Council of Canada: Development of a New Annual Budget and Work Plan.
    • Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting: Optimize Governance – Strategic Plan.
    • Intellectual Property Institute of Canada: IPIC’s IP Awareness Campaign.

    Award of Merit

    • The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science: Formalization and Scaling-Up of the Research and Special Initiatives Department.
    • Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association: DVBIA’s Clean Team Program.
    • Speech-Language & Audiology Canada: The SAC Audiology Event.
    • Fertilizer Canada: Welcome to Fertilizer Canada!

    2018 Recipients

    Award of Excellence

    • Canadian Physiotherapy Association: Member Services Onboarding project.
    • Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science: National Initiative to Increase the Supply of Medical Laboratory Technologists in Canada.
    • Canadian Dental Hygienists Association: Dental Hygienist Superhero Competition Campaign.
    • Nova Scotia Association of REALTORS®: Member Engagement Program.

    Award of Merit

    • Nova Scotia Association of REALTORS®: Government Relations Program.

    2017 Recipients

    Award of Excellence

    • The Canadian Payroll Association: e-T4 and e-RL-1 Advocacy Accomplishment
    • Real Estate Institute of Canada: Home Study Promotional Campaign: Power to Connect Vision Paper
    • Electricity Distributors Association: Power to Connect Vision Paper

    Award of Merit

    • The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science: Mental Health Toolkit
    • Canadian Physiotherapy Association:#30REPS: A Reputational Risk Education and Awareness Campaign

    2016 Recipients

    Award of Excellence

    • Canadian Franchise Association: Franchise Awareness Day on Parliament Hill
    • Canadian Housing and Renewal Association: Housing for All campaign
    • Electricity Distributors Association: Fraud Prevention Campaign
    • Nova Scotia Association of REALTORS®: Government Relations Program

    Award of Merit

    • Association of Ontario Midwives: Government Relations Program to Expand Funding for Indigenous Midwifery
    • The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta: Redevelopment of the APEGA Website
    • Canadian Chiropractors Association: BACK Matters Magazine
    • Canadian Physiotherapy Association: Career Path initiative
    • Ontario Community Support Association: Quality Advantage program
    • Ontario Road Builders’ Association: Site Unseen campaign
    • Supply Chain Management Association: National Live Student Case Competition
    • Supply Chain Management Association: Transition to a Competency-Based Board of Directors
    • Tea Association of Canada: TEA SOMMELIER® certification program
    • Nova Scotia Association of REALTORS®: Social Media Plan
    • Nova Scotia Association of REALTORS®: Trusted Guide Campaign
    • Tourism Industry Association of the Yukon: The Business Case for Greater Government Investment in Tourism Marketing

    Learn More

    For awards, recognition and bursary inquiries, connect with Olivia Wild, specialist, engagement at olivia@csae.com.

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