• Changing Your Email Notifications on Associations Connect

    When you join Associations Connect, you are automatically subscribed to receive all notifications via email. Notifications include changes within the community, new posts, and discussions throughout the groups you’ve decided to join. You will also receive weekly/daily email digests of new discussions or replies to discussions.

    To change your email preferences within Associations Connect:

    1. Log into Associations Connect.
    2. At the top right, click on your profile photo and then Profile.
    3. Click on My Account followed by Email Preferences.
    4. Within Email Preferences, you can set your preferences to receive:
      • Community Emails: automated emails from communities you are a part of. You can set which specific communities you receive updates from, or if you’d like any updates at all.
      • Participation Emails
      • Promotional Emails
    5. To modify your email digest preferences, click on Community Notifications within My Account.
    6. Within Community Notifications, you can set what digest emails you receive from the communities you subscribe to, their frequency and timeliness, and what email address you want them delivered to.

    If you have any questions regarding setting your notifications, please email info@csae.com

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