• CSAE Saskatchewan Meet & Greet

    Join the free virtual networking events hosted each month by local CSAE Network Councils and take part in facilitated conversation about a current topic relevant to association professionals. All are welcome to this event at no charge (both members and non-members).


    Wednesday, March 7th, 2022 — 12:00 to 12:45 pm CST

    What We Will Talk About

    Come together for a virtual meet & greet with Dr. David S. Weiss, Ph.D., ICD.D, CHRE. Dr. Weiss is the president & CEO of Weiss International Ltd., a Toronto-based firm specializing in innovation, leadership and HR consulting for Fortune 500, social enterprise and public sector organizations.

    Engage in interesting conversation about managing board expectations.

    You may be familiar with Dr. Weiss as the facilitator of CSAE’s popular Governance Forum (there’s one upcoming on May 26).


    Dr Davis Weiss

    Dr. David S. Weiss, Ph.D., ICD.D, CHRE