• CSAE Professional Development Exchange hosted by the Ottawa-Gatineau network

    Join your peers for a day of professional development, networking and discussions on the association world’s hottest topics.

    Thursday, Sept. 28, 9 am– 3 pm ET
    Lago, 1001 Queen Elizabeth Driveway
    Ottawa, ON

    Members: $95
    Non-Members: $135

    CAE® CPD: 6 hours

    Featured Sessions

    Huw Williams, President, Impact Public Affairs

    The Past and Future of Association Advocacy
    Hosted by Huw Williams, this panel discussion will feature association executives representing diverse industries from across Canada. The association leaders will discuss some of their successful campaigns from the past and how they got there. They’ll also discuss what the future of association advocacy will be, and tools that associations should be adopting today to support them in their government relations activities.

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    Jean Francois Champagne, CAE
    President/CEO, AIA Canada

    Embracing Technology: Staying Ahead and Leading Better in the Not-for-Profit Sector
    The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the not-for-profit sector, highlighting the importance of embracing technology to stay competitive and achieve goals. This interactive presentation will explore how technology can help not-for-profit associations navigate challenges, including remote work and limited in-person engagement. We will discuss how technology can provide insights into member needs and preferences, optimize decision-making, and facilitate collaboration among team members. Through real-life case studies and examples, we will demonstrate how not-for-profit associations can leverage technology to adapt to the new normal and stay ahead of the curve. Join us to learn how to embrace technology and take your not-for-profit association to the next level.

    Samantha David, Associate Vice President, KCI Search + Talent

    Equitable and Inclusive Hiring: Reflections From the Frontline
    For associations to benefit from a diverse employee community, they must actualize their commitment to IDEA in their hiring efforts by embracing equitable and inclusive hiring practices. The approach of this workshop is to share perspectives and learnings on the topic within the context that we can all learn from each other as we work to ensure that hiring practices reflect our organizational values. Topics covered will include – the central role of unconscious bias, having uncomfortable conversations, equitable recruitment and promotion practices, supporting equitable review of resumes and the pros and cons of posting salary, anonymizing resumes, self-identification surveys, personality tests and other tools.

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    Erin Roberts
    Partner, Zzeem

    Onboarding, Engagement & Renewals
    What’s the best strategy to get your members engaged and invested in the success of your association? We’ll share proven tips to create a winning membership engagement strategy, increase your retention rate, speed up cash flow, and upsell your membership. This is a master class on how to onboard, engage and retain members. You’ll learn proven tips you can take away and use immediately.

    A special thanks to this event’s sponsor:

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