• CSAE 2024: Connection – Ottawa

    The 2024 CSAE conference is gearing up to take over the Westin Hotel in Ottawa from Oct. 29 to Nov. 1. The conference is all about the lifeblood of our profession—connection. Connection to our mind and body, our fellow humans, our environment and to our collective mission to transform the world around us. Unleash synergy and forge bonds with association executives, business leaders and fellow attendees who share your passion for growth and innovation. After all, associations thrive when bridges are built, when minds meld and when hearts sync.  

    And where else to host such an event but in the heart of the nation’s capital? Move seamlessly through the city, indulge in delicious cuisine, and maybe even squeeze in a little sightseeing—by taking advantage of the amazing connectivity arranged by our friends at Ottawa Tourism. We can’t wait to see you there!