• CSAE Manitoba Coffee & Conversation

    Coffee & Conversation, presented by CSAE Manitoba, is a virtual networking event featuring facilitated conversation about a specific topic relevant to current member needs. Held monthly on the third Wednesday of every month at 2 pm, these virtual conversations are the perfect opportunity for both members and non-members from Manitoba to discuss, connect and exchange.

    This initiative is free for both members and non-members.

    Topic — Board Leadership: 

    How we make our board more effective? What are the key skills that a Board Chair should have?

    Why is Board Culture important in the decision making process? What are governance interrupters and how do you deal with them?

    Please join us for these discussion points and more as we move into a digital world of governance and leadership


    Rafi Mohammed, CAE, CEO of the Manitoba Dental Association, brings 37 years of experience working and volunteering in the non-for profit environment. He is also the upcoming Chair of the Manitoba Network of CSAE.

    We look forward to connecting, sharing and learning with you!