That’s A Wrap! Check Out All the Winners from Member November 2021
Thanks to everyone who participated in #MemberNovember! Whether you attended the conference, participated in a conversation on Associations Connect or took part in any of the other activities this month, you showed what this community is all about. Kudos to everyone, and a special shout out to the following.
Members voted on their favourite of the outstanding recipients of the 2021 Award of Distinction in the Excellence category. Congratulations to our Member’s Choice winner and runners up!
- Hotel Association of Canada, In It Together – Surviving the COVID-19 Crisis.
- 1st runner up: Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium, CUTRIC’s Pan-Canadian Battery Electric Bus Demonstration & Integration Trial.
- 2nd runner up: Supply Chain Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Northern Territories Institutes, Collaboration: The Missing Piece to Bridging the Gap.
The best part about this year’s Award of Distinction? Associations from coast to coast can learn from all of the award-winning submissions, which are shared here.
Here are some other wins from this month’s activity:
- Chris Nash and Chris Dawkins – were the most active Executive Members on Associations Connect. Congratulations – receive your choice of a free CEO symposium pass or a free CAE 100 course. Let’s keep the conversation going! #AchieveMoreTogether.
- Cameron Choquette is the recipient of the Emerging Leaders prize of a complimentary CAE 100 course.
- The social media COMMUNITY challenge had lots of great entries! Thanks to everyone. Congratulations to Carol Hochu and Lindsay Murray – you have been randomly selected to receive a $50 Amazon gift card.
Carol Hochu
Lindsay Murray
In this community, we all are winners! Thank you for helping us #AchieveMoreTogether!