Learner’s Digest: May 2021
There is something conflicting in the state of the nation right now. The vaccine roll out is bringing so much hope and optimism that we’re coming to the end of a surreal time. But our optimism is being tempered by COVID outbreaks all over the country. What can we realistically expect? Many of us were gleefully anticipating a return to live meetings this fall. While that isn’t out of the question, pending how much progress is made pandemic-wise, it now seems unlikely we’ll be back to mass conference-like gatherings in 2021. Like many of you, CSAE has been talking with our hotel partners and adjusting plans. Like Halifax in 2020, we’ve had to bump our much-anticipated Montreal-based annual conference to a later year and are back to planning something virtual for 2021. The silver lining is that we’ve learned so much over the course of 2020 – including how to create a truly engaging, collaborative and enjoyable event. So we are really excited about what we have in store for you for 2021. Over the coming months, we’ll be sharing more details and opening registrations but for now, mark your calendars because the annual conference is coming in November 2021! We’re gearing up for what we’re calling Conference 2021: CSAE Community, and it is going to put the very best of the association community front and centre. With a focus on thought leadership and peer-based learning, this is an event you won’t want to miss. Start thinking about your organization’s greatest accomplishments of the past few years and be prepared to share. Watch for the call for content next month. We can’t wait to hear your stories! Danielle Lamothe Vice President, Learning and Innovation |
Current Calendar of Learning Opportunities Le Clavardage de la SCDA Québec 3 juin – 15 h 00 EDT Rejoignez Annie Bilodeau, CAE, ce mois-ci pour discuter de la gestion et psychologie: Comment gérer les personnalités de ses employés et bien travailler ensemble. Les inscriptions sont gratuites pour tous. Inscrivez-vous ici. CSAE Trillium: A Conversation on Cyber Security June 4 – 1:00 pm EDT Vulnerability to cyber attacks increased in 2020 following the transition to remote work. Associations need to get ahead of the trend for 2021 – so what’s next? MNP’s cyber security leader, Eugene Ng, provides insight on the development of cyber threats, artificial intelligence and solutions for associations to consider. This event is free for CSAE members and $50 for non-members. Click here to register! Partner Webinar: Tech Savvy Finance Leader – Driving Value Creation June 8 – 1:00 pm EDT As your association grows, the challenges begin to mount – from revenue recognition complexity to managing multiple entities and currencies. Are you confident you have all the data you need to make informed decisions? Learn more about the ever-evolving role of the CFO and building a resilient financial infrastructure at this webinar hosted by Gord Beal, vice president, Research, Guidance and Support at CPA Canada; Jeff McMullen, CFO at 4Point; and David Rumer, vice president of Market Development at Sage Intacct. You’ll learn about the evolution of the finance leader’s responsibilities; how using data can help you become proactive in planning and decision-making; and how to regain control of your finance processes to set the stage for your next level of growth. Free to all. Register here. Brought to you by CSAE Partner: CSAE BC Executive Roundtable June 9 – 11:00 am PDT Did you miss CSAE Alberta’s session on Land Acknowledgement and its relationship with Truth and Reconciliation? Fear not. CSAE BC will also host a session with Alli Marshall, founder and principal consultant at Strix Insights. Come to exchange ideas and resources while learning together. Both members and non-members are welcome at no charge. Register here. What’s Brewing Ottawa-Gatineau! June 15 – 8:00 am EDT Join CSAE Ottawa-Gatineau for an engaging conversation about creating solid relationships between your association and First Nations communities, businesses and people. Learn how the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Principles can guide your organization in its quest to connect with First Nations communities. Join Marion Crowe of the Piapot First Nation and CEO of the First Nations Health Managers Association, along with Marc Forgette of the Wahgoshig First Nation and founder of Makatew Workshops, who will share practical resources and ideas to build your association in a spirit of appreciation rather than appropriation. All are welcome at no charge (members and non-members). Click here to register. CSAE Atlantic Meet & Mingle June 15 – 1:00 pm ADT This session, facilitated by Alison K, is jargon-free and filled with free and low-cost tips to help get your online presence in order! Get a clear understanding of which tactics are best for your nonprofit and how to take immediate action. Both members and non-members are welcome at no charge. Register here. CSAE Ottawa-Gatineau CEO Roundtable June 16 – 8:00 am EDT Here is your chance to share your 2022 planning challenges with other senior executives across Canada, as we all face the uncertainties of next year. Hear fresh ideas and discuss opportunities that will ensure your organization’s success! Don’t forget your favourite morning beverage of choice. Register here for this exclusive, no-charge event. Partner Webinar: Let’s Talk – Turning Insight Into Action June 17 – 2:00 pm EDT Being a data-driven organization is a critical component of being a member-centric organization. In part three of this three-part webinar series, you have all the data at your fingertips. Now what? It’s time to take action based on trends you’ve seen over time and view the full picture. In this session, you’ll learn how to develop the “voice of the member;” tips for validating data; and ways to activate members. Members and non-members are welcome at no charge. Click here to sign up now. Did you miss the earlier sessions? Listen to Member Data 101 and Exploring Your Data on demand anytime by visiting this link. CSAE Alberta Chat & Cheers June 17 – 4:00 pm EDT Join our panel discussion to learn the dos and don’ts of hosting successful hybrid events. Hear about their challenges and triumphs, the technology required and how you can make your own future hybrid event a success. Both members and non-members are welcome at no charge. Register here. Partner Workshop: Developing a Coaching Mindset June 24 – 1:00 pm EDT Coaching is a critical skill for today’s leaders. Join Liane Taylor and Richard Antosik of The Talent Company for this essential two-hour interactive session, where you’ll gain an understanding of coaching and the results it can deliver through increased individual performance, accountability and self-sufficiency. Coaching can be provided by anyone, at any level, if they know the right questions to ask! Get the tools you need to develop a coaching mindset while applying your learning to real-life team challenges. Learning objectives: – Feeling the difference between an expert “tell” approach vs. a coach “ask” approach – Understanding the importance of coaching and its impact on engagement and performance – Identifying when an expert vs. coach approach is most appropriate – Developing strategies to shift gears quickly between an expert and coach approach – Learning a model for providing feedback that propels individuals forward – Applying coaching skills to organization-relevant case studies Register here for this free interactive session! Brought to you by CSAE Partner: Governance Forum: Online Workshop September 23 After the challenges of the past 15 months, it’s time for association boards and management teams to regroup for future success! This one-day virtual leadership retreat brings your entire team together – at a group price – to roll up your collective sleeves and get to work. Expertly facilitated by Dr. David S. Weiss, this forum will help you: – engage your board – clarify accountabilities – establish your key strategic priorities – collaboratively determine how you’ll measure success – reach a clear understanding of what good governance means for your association in the year ahead You can bring as many people from your leadership team as you like to this specially-designed, interactive online workshop – all for a single team price! Early bird pricing and bundle options are available — Learn more! CAE™ Fall Term – Registration is Now Open! September 6 – November 29 Grow your competencies and your career with the Certified Association Executive™ program, developed especially for senior leaders, executives and managers of associations and not-for-profit organizations. Work online at your own pace as you accumulate critical transferable skills and sector-specific knowledge. Register now! SAVE THE DATE! Chief Staff and Chief Elected Officers Symposia – Feb. 21-22, 2022 or Feb. 24-25, 2022 Is your board chair new this year? Here’s your chance to forge a connection with them at this two-day session, where association CEOs and their board chairs attend together to cement their relationship and joint priorities for the year ahead. Expertly facilitated by Glenn Tecker and Donna French Dunn, CAE this is an event that fills up! Don’t miss your chance to attend. Watch for more details to come. |
Other Opportunities to Connect & Learn Talk Tuesdays (CSAE Member Exclusive) June 1 & 15 – 2:00 pm EDT Join other members and CSAE’s president and CEO Tracy Folkes Hanson for an informal video chat, to talk about the challenges and opportunities that are top of mind. All CSAE members are welcome at these no-charge drop-ins. Learn more & join here>> New Member Orientation June 3 – 1:00 pm EDT Welcome to CSAE! There are so many benefits to being a member. Learn about all of them while you connect with other newcomers during this informative free session. Click here to register. CSAE Town Hall June 29 – 2:00-3:00 pm EDT Watch your inbox for details to come soon! |
Essential Reading The CSAE Blog: Don’t miss these curated perspectives on a variety of association-focused topics: Listen Here! 8 Podcasts on NFP Association Leadership There is no shortage of expert advice to help you stay informed and level up your management game. Check out this list of podcasts on a variety of topics geared toward association and not-for-profit professionals. Manage Through Chaos: A Discussion With Phil Buckley Get some useful tips for applying change management principles to today’s challenges. Innovate For The Long Term: A Discussion With Laura Williams Discover strategic insights on navigating an association or not-for-profit organization through the pandemic –from a legal perspective — with Laura Williams. Click here for more content on the key competencies of governance, organizational direction, leading people, operations and value to membership. Association: All About Money The Spring/Summer issue of Association™ magazine is packed with actionable, future-focused thinking to help you make a positive impact on your organization’s bottom line. Explore financial wellness initiatives, digitizing your financials and online education programs. Examine revenue generation and fiscal management strategies that will position your association or not-for-profit organization for future success. Plus, check out the inspiring Q&A with Claire Bélanger-Parker, president of CNT Management Group Inc. and executive director of the Crane Rental Association of Canada. Read the issue here. Bookstore Selection Making Your Mark as a Not-for-Profit Board Member: An Orientation Guide for New Members of Not-for-Profit Boards Aside from bringing passion to their role, volunteer board members must quickly learn about their specific duties, obligations to members and stakeholders, and how to act within the organization’s bylaws. This informative publication serves as a critical orientation guide for all board members who serve organizations with paid staff. Find the tools and insight you need to confidently govern with excellence and accountability. Visit the CSAE Bookstore for more information and to purchase. |