Building a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy at CSAE

CSAE has begun a focused process to develop a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategy that will shape our direction forward.
As an organization serving association professionals across Canada and championing excellence in the sector, CSAE is here to do good. We aspire to a bold vision, “empowering associations to transform the world,” and are driven by our mission “to deliver the knowledge, resources and environment to advance association excellence.” We believe in diversity and inclusion as one of our fundamental values—and are committed to growing as a diverse, equitable and inclusive organization that can also serve as a model for other associations.
In addition to just being the right thing to do, research shows that being diverse, equitable and inclusive yields myriad benefits for organizations—from greater innovation and creativity, to better decision-making and a healthier bottom line.
CSAE’s strategic plan for 2022–2025 identified diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as a priority and part of our commitment to continuous improvement.
Like any organizational priority, DEI requires a thoughtful, informed strategy, with objectives and measurements, as well as flexibility, as we move through the plan.
To support us in this work, CSAE has engaged aKollage Consulting. As DEI specialists, aKollage has expertise in developing and implementing practical strategies, policies and programs within organizations.
The process
Together, CSAE is undertaking a three-phase stakeholder-informed process. The first phase involves a current state assessment through stakeholder conversations and a comprehensive review of CSAE’s policies and processes. This phase will help CSAE identify strengths, gaps and barriers to DEI as well as opportunities to help us continue to strengthen going forward.
Phase two, informed by the findings of phase one, will articulate CSAE’s vision, values and high-level goals for DEI. From there, an action plan with deliverables and measures will be developed. This plan will guide our DEI work for the next three years.
Thanks go to CSAE’s Board of Directors for their steadfast support of this work, as well as the contributions of the dedicated volunteers who served on the D&I task team in 2020–2021; they helped us get to this important juncture. The input of members, employees and volunteers is also greatly appreciated—and invaluable.
CSAE is tremendously excited to embark on this journey, and looks forward to sharing our progress with our members, partners and volunteers.
Penny Tantakis
Director of Marketing & Communications
DEI Project Lead