• An Open Letter from the CSAE Board

    To all members:

    The CSAE Board of Directors would like to take this time to thank Tracy Folkes Hanson and the CSAE team for the work they have done and continue to do to ensure that CSAE remains a strong voice for the Association Industry in the face of COVID-19.

    During this time of uncertainty and upheaval, it is reassuring to know that the organization has a team who are committed to the organization, to CSAE members and to each other. Each member of the team has risen to the challenges; focusing in on CSAE’s essential functions; expanding their scope to support those priorities that members have identified in a recent survey – Advocacy, Technology Solutions and Business Continuity; and working to find innovative ways to deliver education and information.

    It has been a difficult couple of months, and they have shown us their best. The Board of Directors would like to commend the team on their efforts and for the professionalism they extol. Difficult decisions have been made, and will continue to be made, as we chart a path forward; the reality that we cannot meet in-person and may not be able to do so for many months has put pressure on so many aspects of our sector and our Association.

    We would also like to thank Tracy for her tremendous leadership, vision and strategic guidance during this extraordinary time. Tracy brings warmth and empathy to her role as President & CEO, along with a clear understanding of the need to focus on ensuring CSAE’s continued financial health and viability; and has led by example in each challenging action and decision.

    Tracy Folkes Hanson, and the entire CSAE team, have the full trust and confidence of the Board of Directors, and we continue to work together to move through these challenging times.

    With sincere thanks,

    Lori Prospero, CAE

    Barbette Igonia, CAE

    Patrick Gauch, CAE

    Thomas Kriens

    Shannon Bott, CAE

    John Buck, CAE

    Daniel García, CAE

    Marc Lapointe

    Sheila McLean, CAE

    Amber Papou

    Danielle Russell, CAE

    Laura Williams

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