• What’s Brewing Ottawa-Gatineau!

    Join the free virtual networking events hosted each month by local CSAE Network Councils and take part in facilitated conversation about a current topic relevant to association professionals. All are welcome to this event at no charge (both members and non-members).


    Tuesday, September 21, 2021 — 8:00 to 9:30 am EDT

    What We Will Talk About

    Simplicity: The Keys To Balance and Life Satisfaction as You Move Through Challenging Times

    Many have noticed that their work-life boundaries have blurred, and they have not taken a real break since the start of the pandemic. In times of crisis and business disruption, it is essential that we find the strategies to manage our energy, focus on happiness, and integrate all aspects of our life. But how do we do that when we are time-pressured, reactive, tired out, and running on empty?

    Research shows that this is a normal response when a crisis occurs, but as the pandemic wears on, it is important to regain the focus on living a full and flourishing life in spite of the circumstances.

    Balance can feel like an unrealistic dream. Balance is an activity that you must continually engage in as you make corrections and adjustments based on circumstances. Balance becomes the harmonious simplification and integration of all aspects of life, including coping with business disruption, working remotely, and other impacts of the pandemic.

    Examine your personal Wheel of Life, and discover how you allocate your energy. By applying simplicity strategies to the S-O-S Principle, you will be able to discover a renewed sense of balance, engagement, and health during this current challenge and as you move forward.


    Beverly Beuermann-King

    For over 20 years, Beverly has used her S-O-S Principle™ with people and organizations who want to control their reactions to stress, build resiliency against life’s challenges, and live healthy, successful lives. Beverly appreciates that there is not ‘one way’ to deal with our business challenges or build resiliency. Beverly believes that it is about building a plan that works, and one that is unique to the person and team who builds it.

    Beverly launched her company, R ‘n B Consulting, in 1995, and since then she has helped teams from a wide range of industries to shift from stressed out to resilient, enabling them to be happier, engaged, and successful.

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