What’s Brewing Ottawa-Gatineau!
Join the free virtual networking events hosted each month by local CSAE Network Councils and take part in facilitated conversation about a current topic relevant to association professionals. All are welcome to this event at no charge (both members and non-members).
Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022 — 8:00 to 9:00 am EST
What We Will Talk About
Strategic Planning for Your Board, Your Team and Yourself
Strategic Planning is a wise practice for all associations. As association leaders, we play a key role in supporting the Board in the planning process and working with the staff team in its implementation. Strategic planning typically involves understanding the current situation, reflecting on the desired future and setting priorities for how to get there. How can the approaches used for Board strategic planning also be applied to our staff and even ourselves to ensure team and personal success?
Nancy Barrett, CAE, AMCES Association Management & Consulting
Explore this question in a facilitated conversation led by Nancy Barrett CAE, a partner at AMCES Association Management & Consulting. Nancy has provided consulting and leadership services to the not-for-profit sector for over 20 years, working with Boards in the areas of governance and strategic planning and supporting staff on their professional journey. Free and open to both members and non-members.