CSAE Alberta Chat and Cheers
One of the many casualties of COVID-19 is the inability to gather for networking and informal supports at the local level. CSAE Alberta has therefore decided to focus our efforts on making these connections in Alberta through monthly virtual facilitated networking gatherings.
Chat and Cheers, presented by CSAE Alberta, is a virtual networking event featuring facilitated conversation about a specific topic. At 4 pm MDT on the third Thursday of every month from July – December 2020, the CSAE Alberta Network Council will host the group and facilitate discussion around a specific topic. To ensure the networking aspect remains intact, we will include a brief icebreaker at the beginning and encourage participants to enjoy their favourite beverage as they would in person.
This initiative is free for both members and non-members.
What We Will Talk About
Managing Member Renewal & Retention
The only thing worse than being asked “What am I getting for my membership?” is struggling to provide an answer! Member renewal and retention isn’t just a process – it needs to be a daily commitment, driven by your organization’s core purpose. Join CSAE Alberta’s Chat & Cheers to share:
- What organizations are doing to retain members,
- How to effectively communicate the value of membership, and
- Successful practices for membership renewal.
About the Facilitator
Tracy Douglas-Blowers
Alberta Hotel & Lodging Association
Tracy Douglas-Blowers, Director of Membership & Industry Relations for the Alberta Hotel & Lodging Association, has served in board and staff positions in not for profit organizations for more than 20 years. With experience in communications, program development, government relations, and board governance, her goal is for every member to know and value the power of association.
We look forward to connecting, sharing and learning with you!