What It’s Like Being an Introvert at Events
It is said that “extroverts adopt introverts.” As we REUNITE in Halifax, I’m secretly hoping this will be true again. But also secretly hoping that—in a way that defies the laws of science—this will simultaneously be as far from the truth as possible. I want to be invited, and included, but I’d also like to leave after five minutes… cool?
While my extroverted friends will be recharging their batteries in the company of so many colleagues and peers, I and the estimated one-third of attendees who identify as introverts will be expending vast amounts of energy to participate.
For my part, I probably won’t LOOK like an introvert to most observers. I’ll make small talk if I need to. Although I appreciate if you’d ask something a bit deeper than “How’s it going?” You’ll find me on stage on Oct. 20 speaking on behalf of my more typical (read shyer) introvert peeps. I will be talking about working towards a more inclusive association space where we create fun and exciting events and experiences that drive member value for introverts too.
As we’ve returned to in-person events, so many of the hard-fought coping mechanisms and learned behaviours I’ve used to walk among you for so many years are a bit rusty, which makes the return to crowded spaces all the more difficult. For those introverts who struggled with crowds before 2020, the impacts of the return to in-person have been even more acute. Suddenly, the “how bad could it be?” self-pep-talk isn’t quite hitting like it used to.
Watch Danielle’s video below to hear what she’ll be talking about at her session at CSAE 2022: REUNITE: