Jason Reid and Kristin Light
Jason Reid
Despite being challenged by two invisible disabilities for most of his life, Jason Reid has been an award-winning TV producer, writer, and head of television content at The Weather Network. Jason successfully managed disability challenges for many of his employees, doubling his department’s productivity through his innovative approach to accommodation. For ten years, he has spoken to global audiences on the topic of invisible disabilities in the workplace. Jason is also the author of Thriving in the Age of Chronic Illness and Invisible Disability.
websites: https://chronicilnesskeynotespeaker.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasondavidreid/
email: jason@jasonreid.ca
Kristin Light
Kristin is currently working as an Employee Engagement and Change Management Specialist with ONxpress Transportation Partners, with an emphasis on mental health and neurodiversity. As a communications strategist, vintage dance specialist, and co-founder of a successful events company, she was perhaps the last person you’d expect to be dealing with cognitive and mental disabilities. Following a brush with suicide that left her confined to a psychiatric ward, she now speaks out to provide insight and strategies that demystify mental illness and neurodiversity.
Website: https://kristinlight.ca
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristinmelight
email: hello@kristinlight.ca